Thursday, October 18, 2007

New Brains - New Classes

We've had one of the busiest weeks ever at TheBrain Technologies. Here's what's new:

Another PersonalBrain 4.0 Feature Focus Webinar has been scheduled for October 25th. It's become quite a popular event to see Harlan Hugh (TheBrain Technologies CEO, inventor of TheBrain, Black Belt and all around Cool Guy) show off some of the fantastic new features. And believe me... there are plenty! Especially with the latest release of Beta!!!!

New PersonalBrain Beta released. You may be shivering at the term "beta", but you won't be sorry once you upgrade. Version is very stable and has some FANTASTIC new enhancements. My personal favorite is the copy and paste of thoughts from one Brain file to another. Not to mention, the long awaited BRAIN THOUGHT MERGE feature! Download your free trial today, or join Harlan's class on the 25th to see it in action.

Internal operations covered a range of events. We sent out our October 2007 newsletter and we're putting together some new materials for our upcoming appearance at KMWorld 2007 in San Jose.

So let's run down those links again:

Visualizing and Integrating Information the Way You Think with PersonalBrain 4.0
Thursday, October 25
10:30 am Pacific

Download PersonalBrain Beta

October 2007 Newsletter

KMWorld and Intranets 2007
November 6 - 8, 2007
McEnery Convention Center, San Jose, CA
Booth 119

And lets not forget... Tomorrow is PersonalBrain 101. We've had a new record number of signups, so it should be a good one! I look forward to seeing you there.


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